fabric flower tutorials
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I’m certain that y’all are way ahead of me in the world of fabric flower creating… Like so many things in the wide world of creative genius, I’ve admired these for months, but only from afar. I haven’t actually pulled out my fabric scraps or button collection or a needle and thread to put one of these little gems together…
However, I suddenly have an uncontrollable urge to whip up a pile of fabric-y, flower-y delight, and have complied a list of fabulous tutorials to help in this pursuit… I’ll let y’all know what I come up with!
ribbon and fabric flowers by m&j trimming
shredded fabric mum tutorial by designer natalie chanin
i love these! i want to make some for my hair!!
This is a late comment- but check out these little gems made by a fellow Farmington crafter:
(this is just one style, check out her others as well- LOVE Them!)
I LOVE fabric flowers! Thanks for compiling this list and for linking to mine! 🙂
–Jess @ FloralShowers.com
thank you for making such a great list! i've just opened a billion googled tabs searching for tutorials, and this has them all! lol
thanks again!