i heart new year’s challenge
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I told y’all that a new year brings out the (much needed) re-organizational tyrant in me… I suddenly have all sorts of energy to throw into half finished projects and goal rearranging and wall scrubbing and filing. Since I never know the life expectancy of these little bursts of productive gusto, I figure I should embrace the tyrant and get as much done as I can in the coming week. Then, if the energy remains, I’ll move on to less crucial but still lingering projects. Would you care to join me? I might just throw in some sort of kojo-y goodness (of the personalized stationary variety) as an incentive… err, reward… err, motivation. 😉
Here’s the plan :
Day 1: Clean Craft Room/Space- Having an organized space and materials will simplify any upcoming (or dusted off) projects, so we’ll start here.
Day 2: Daydream and Make Goals- The more specific and reachable the better. What do you want to do this year? Learn a new skill? Read the Old Testament? Figure out what it is that would make 2010 fabulous.
Day 3: Wade Through the Paper- I don’t know if you have a sea of paper (like I do) that requires recycling and filing and sorting. It’s a problem… but just for now.
Day 4: Make Something, Anything!- I’m going to use my new sewing machine… what small project might you accomplish in an afternoon?
Day 5: Strategize- When I don’t reach my goals, I think it is because I fail to break my big picture ideas down into a realistic strategy. For example, if I’m wanting to try 24 new tutorials this year, it’s much easier for my mind to remember that I’m going to try 2 tutorials per month (and I don’t end up with 8 left to try in December, the month o’ craziness). Similarly, it is better for me if I write my goals down and post them where I can see them. Today is the day for this more detailed planning and recording.
Day 6: Deep Clean- For me this means some wall and floor (and coffee table) scrubbing, changing the lightbulbs in our dining room and master bedroom, and then a more general overall cleaning. I’m not going to lie- some of this may happen before Day 6.
Day 7: Overflow or Rest- Could you use an extra day for more filing, cleaning, strategizing, etc.? This is the day to tie up those loose ends. Meet me back here and we’ll reevaluate our energy level.
Go get ’em, friends. Do all 7 days, or just join us for the ones that work for you. I can’t wait to read about what you accomplish!
***Oh, and to qualify for the incentive/reward/motivation, leave a comment (or a link to your reorganizational goodness) telling us what you got done! I’ll draw a number with a random generator at the end of the Day 7.
Can I join you?
Oh but I already made a list of goals on my blog. Is it okay if I skip that one? lol I'm off to clean my craft space RIGHT NOW! 😀
Happy New Year!
I am all about the deep clean…
You make me want to get busy! I'm definately in! Does this start tomorrow?? hehe I am going to go to the craft one right now too! 🙂
I hope you have a GREAT 2010–looking ahead
I got 1 2 and 3 finished! *dances* I'm working on making something now. I'm going to post pics on my blog in a bit 😉
I am looking through your tutorials and having a wonderful time. (I just found your blog through Kristan) My craft room needs help right now after some serious crafting sprees before Christmas.
I just found your blog today, and I think this post is so 'funny' because I just finished doing a royal cleanout of my home! I have several bags and boxes to donate. Would you believe that I've actually already done ALL SEVEN things you listed!
1 – I reorganized my kitchen cabs/fridge and then moved on the craft studio.
2 – done
3 – I went through and sorted through the papers on my hubs' desk.
4 – I just made a little journal today that I will use to keep up with what I eat since I'm starting Weight Watchers tomorrow.
5 – done
6 – Did that yesterday
7 – Resting today!