kojotutorial: candy stripe popsical sticks

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Love this idea for parties and showers and weddings!  These color coordinated little lovelies can be used for labels, signs, fans… all sorts of goodness, really.

To make some, take a regular old popsical stick, tape off with painters tape (I used the skinniest variety available), spray paint in your desired palette and remove the tape.  Finished product?  Cheery, stripey goodness.

To take things up a notch, tape, spray, tape again (either tape over the stripes as shown in the picture on the left, or spray paint an entire stick one solid color and tape over it like the pink and blue popsical sticks in the picture on the right) and spray again in another color.

I wish I didn’t love these so much because they’re a bit high maintenance, but so. worth. it.  The aqua and orange pin stripe-y one delights my preppy little heart more than I can tell y’all.

***Since these are spray painted, I would stick to using them for paper goods instead of with anything edible.  Though, you could probably tape off a “food safe zone” at the top of the popsical stick if you were set on using them with food.

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  1. i love this!! i'm for sure going to bookmark this post and use this idea for someting..i don'tknow what..but its too cute to pass up!

  2. I am seriously IN LOVE with these. Think of the things you could do with them. I am going to post about these (giving the credit back to you of course). love them. Oh, the wheels in my head are turning!

  3. These are so much fun! I love new ways to use tape. Thanks for the great idea, I'll be linking.

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