our world this week: siblings

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It is a rare occasion that our family gets to be together. We are spread out over the country and it seems like, despite being super close (relationally), the times we get to enjoy each others company are few and far between. This week we BOTH got to come to visit our youngest sister and her husband for the birth of their son! Our brother (yes, we have a brother, but since he doesn’t craft he rarely comes up on the blog) and his wife live in the same town as well, so all four siblings get to hang out this week! I can’t tell you what a treat and blessing it is to get to spend some time together.

So, the picture this week is of our brother, his wife and their awesome dog, Stetson. Ok, its mostly a picture of Stetson, isn’t he the cutest St. Bernard “puppy” you ever did see?

…and one of our new nephew, Easton, for good measure…

 …and one of the adorable miss piper jane…

ok, ok, I’m done.

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  1. So cute!! I love all three pictures. That new nephew is one cutie. And wow…Piper is looking so much older. Amazing how fast they grow. She is a cutie! Yeah for a weekend with all of your siblings. I too love any time that happens. Family is the best.

  2. What gorgeous pictures of them all. Love the backdrops of those colorful leaves. How wonderful that you were all able to be together!

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