our world this week- loving spring

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Want to know what I love even more than spring cleaning? Gorgeous, sunny weather! I know some of you have warm year ’round (ahem, Kelly) and some of you aren’t breaking out your shorts quite yet (sorry!). I am actually pretty certain we can expect at least one more spring snow storm here in Denver… but for now, we are enjoying every sun soaked afternoon we get (as you can see, Burke LOVES playing in the dirt… Piper Jane and I prefer the comfort a blanket in the grass)!

Not to worry, though, there’s been some Spring DeStashing going on around here as well. Let’s just say my stash of onesies and my pile of t-shirts are both shrinking…

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  1. augh, so cute! I love the dresses you're working up, the lace is such a sweet touch! That licky-toes picture slays me. Olivia is all about her toes lately. I guess they're not super easy to grab with her cloth diapers on, because the second I undo that velcro, feet in hands, good luck changing that. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Ugggghhh…. those pictures give me an envy headache… we had a blizzard this weekend ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Congrats on the warm weather, none here quite yet! I'm LOVING those onesie/t-shirt dresses of Piper's too!! So so cute. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Too cute! I'm glad y'all are getting some nice weather. It gets too hot here in Houston and I'm always jealous of the snow y'all get in Colorado.

  4. So stinkin cute. All of those pictures. Yea for spring…or the feeling of spring…That Piper is one cute girl ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Sunday friends.

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