how to make your own blog planner (using an existing journal or book) part 2

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how to make a custom blog planner using an already existing journal or bookThe “how to make your own custom blog planner” goodness continues today friends!

Since you already assembled your planner contents, all you have to do now is add a cover from a store bought journal/hard bound book.

how to make your own custom blog planner by kojodesignsStart with an existing journal or book. You’ll need one that is bound using a front cover and a back cover sheet.

how to make a day planner using an existing journalUsing a utility knife, cut along the inside edge for both the front and back covers to disconnect the ‘pages’ or insert from the cover.

how to make your own blog plannerMatch up the contact paper (I used chalkboard contact paper, but any contact paper, except the clear kind, will do) to the front and back cover. Cut pieces of contact paper the same size as the front and back cover sheet.

how to make a custom blog day plannerTake your already assembled planner insert and sit in the inside of the cover, matching the spine of the insert to the spine of the cover. Remove the adhesive cover from the back cover sheet of contact paper. Adhere the contact paper to the back cardstock cover sheet and also to the back cover, securing the insert in place to the back cover.

how to make your own customized plannerHot glue the tied-up spine of the insert to the spine of the cover.

how to make a custom blog plannerNext, adhere the contact paper to the front cardstock cover sheet and also to the front cover. The insert should now be firmly secured in place.

custom blog plannerThe best part of this customized, tailored blog planner/day planner is that you end up having every single thing you want in one spot. Chore charts, blog plan checklists, idea pages- or whatever you thought was most important in a dayplanner.

how to make a customized blog plannerI mentioned (a couple of times) that I am weirdly excited about this planner. I can’t help it- I love having everything in one place, all organized and ducks in a row. And I am absolutely making one of these every year from now on.

Happy organizing, friends! 🙂

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  1. I’d love a copy of your planner template. I’m tired of my corporate looking planner pages and want to try to make my own this year. 🙂

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