skinny chocolate coconut bites


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skinny chocolate coconut bites. made with coconut oil and cocoa powder. delicious!

Have you guys seen these morsels floating around pinterest? You know how we love coconut and chocolate together and anything that pairs the words ‘skinny’ and ‘treat’ is right up our alley.Β They are made with coconut oil and cocoa powder. The maple syrup appeases your sweet tooth, but with far fewer calories (and unpronounceable ingredients) than a candy bar. Plus, they are perfect bite size portions- win win.

skinny chocolate coconut bites. made with coconut oil and cocoa powder. delicious!

1/2 cup coconut oil, melted
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/4 cup almond butter (you can also use peanut butter)
2 TBS real maple syrup (or honey)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract


Mix all ingredients together until smooth, pour mixture into a silicone ice cube tray or a mini muffin tin (I also used cupcake liners so that removing them from the tray would be easier). Freeze until mixture has hardened. Pop them out of the tray and store in an airtight container in the freezer or fridge because they will melt at room temperature.

skinny chocolate coconut bites. made with coconut oil and cocoa powder. delicious!

Careful with this skinny treat though, the beckon from the fridge and it’s hard to say no! πŸ™‚ They are quite literally the perfect skinny treat!

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  1. I am making these this tomorrow (I think I have everything on hand…). This probably was not the post to read just before lunch…

  2. Thank you for the reminder! These are simply delicious but I haven’t made them in an age. I like to add a little bit of toasted coconut in them.

  3. I just made them and accidentally uses 1/2 cup peanut butter instead of 1/4, but the batter is yummy! They’re in the freezer right now!

    1. Tammie, that does sound yummy! Let us know how they turn out. πŸ™‚
      ps- True confession- I think if I added double the peanut butter, I would’ve just gone ahead and made twice as many… haha! πŸ™‚

  4. Looks delicious and I have most if these ingrediants on hand! Have you ever used agave instead of the honey maple syrup?

    1. Hey Ginny, I haven’t but Jordan might have. If you try it, will you let me know how they turn out?

  5. I’ve been making a similar version with honey and no almond butter for a few weeks now, in my process of cutting out refined sugar and I love them! I will try your version with natural peanut butter, they don’t last very long in my fridge!!

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