DIY bleach striped jersey shorts

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We usually have pretty mild summers around here- not this year. It has been HOT in Denver (is it hot like this where you are?).

The usually-mild summers mean we don’t even have an AC in our house, which is unfortunate for the Smooches as they try to stay cool at night. This oh-so-hot Denver summer conundrum was the catalyst for a jersey-short-making-spree around here (Burke only had one pair of jammie-esque shorts and pants just aren’t cutting it this summer).

These little jersey shorts are an easy sew (I made two pairs during one naptime). Add some stripes with a bleach pen and you have some seriously cute little lounge shorts. Your little guy probably needs some too- especially if it’s similarly hot (or AC-less) where you are.

To make some striped jersey shorts, you’ll need-

-an XL (or bigger) guy’s tshirt

-sewing supplies

-bleach pen

-a pair of sample shorts

Fold your ‘template shorts’ in half. Line up the outside edge of the shorts along the edge of the tshirt (and the hem of the shorts at the bottom of the shirt).

Trace with a fabric pen (stretch out the elastic waist before tracing).
Cut around the traced line, leaving a half inch perimeter on the side and at least an inch on the top edge (sorry it switches to the blue shorts here- I didn’t take pictures while I made the orange ones. It’ll switch back to orange when I’m explaining the bleach stripes).

Pin and sew along the inside edge of each leg.

Pull apart and pin together the crotch edges (make sure you line up the center line exactly). Sew (make sure your right sides are pinned facing each other).

With the shorts still inside out, fold over the top edge, pin in place and sew in place.

Snip two little holes in the center of the drawstring casing. Pull the drawstring through with a safety pin (knot each end so that it doesn’t pull back through).

If you want to add bleached stripes, insert cardboard rectangles into each leg. Then, draw evenly spaced lines with a fabric pen onto the shorts.

Use the bleach pen to trace the lines you drew. Then draw lines in between your already-drawn lines with the bleach pen. I didn’t extend the bleach up to the drawstring casing.

Let your side set for at least half an hour (I put Burke’s shorts in the sun for that half hour). Once the bleach is dry, flip over the shorts and repeat. Wash and dry your shorts and you’re done!

The perfect solution to really hot summer and a drawer full of pants (also, sidenote, how sweet is Piper Jane looking at big adoring eyes at her Bubba?)!

Tell me friends- has your summer weather been crazy hot too? What are you doing to beat the heat?

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  1. this is great! I have two little boys and no pj shorts for this hot weather! thanks for the great idea! Also, piper jane is wearing an adorable dress, did you make that too?

    1. Thanks friend! I want to try out some other patterns (maybe a chevron) with the bleach pen but am chicken. ๐Ÿ™‚ Especially since I’m adding them to a finished product. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Love it that you’ve been sewing with your boys, by the way! I love it when I see that in blog land. I think Burke and Reid might be on the same page, but it’ll be something I definitely try sometime. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. This may be a no-brainer comment, but you’re supposed to flip your template shorts and cut another set to make 4 pieces – yes? Must say, very cute idea for recycling t-shirts!

    1. Hey Michele! Since each side is positioned on an already-folded t-shirt, you only need to flip once (since on each side, you are cutting out both the front and back pieces at the same time). Hope that makes sense! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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