the perfect compliment to a high waisted skirt (a skirt-shirt tutorial)

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Piper’s influx of highwaisted skirts lately have led to a dilemma- what shirt can we pair with these lovelies that will stay tucked in to show off the skirt adorable-ness?

The answer- Skirt Shirts (or shirts-turned-onesies). They kind of remind me of the bodysuits I liked to wear in 7th grade. Except looser, with less crazy floral prints. And way cuter.

To make one of these gems to pair with a high-waisted skirt near you-

Find a onesie that you’re ok with cutting up (I have a whole pile that are stained for just such purposes). Lay the shirt you’re converting on top of the onesie to measure how much ‘bottom half’ you’ll need. Mark with a fabric pen.

About an inch higher than your mark, cut off the bottom of the onesie.

Flip the onesie bottom up around the shirt, matching up the side seams.

Pin and sew in place around the entire perimeter.

Turn right side in.

Pair with your favorite high-waisted (or otherwise cute-at-the-top) skirt!

One unrelated, unfortunate confession- I think I had a bodysuit-turtleneck in junior high (that I wore with my favorite Guess jeans with a ‘Guess’ triangle on the back pocket). Oh boy. Tell me that some of you forayed into the ‘bodysuit’ world as well? And while you’re at it, any reassurances that those will never come back in style?

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    1. haha- I had a crocheted vest too! and a crocheted half-cardi with bell sleeves. I think I wore that one for school pictures even. ๐Ÿ™‚ oh boy! ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. I had a couple of bodysuits in the 7th grade… definitely floral… what were we thinking?? One in particular was white with red and blue flowers. I think I may have worn it with navy knee-length corduroy shorts :-/

  2. I totally rocked the bodysuit! My favorite one was pink and blue plaid and I wore it with a pink crocheted vest. I was a hit with my awesome perm and poofy bangs.

  3. Oh my gosh! I used to wear bodysuits in 7th grade too! I had a pink long sleeved bodysuit which I wore a quilted denim and flowery short vest over. Let’s hope that doesn’t come back! ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Oh Tia, so glad you and I both made the same tragic fashion mistakes. ๐Ÿ™‚ And YES let’s hope! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I had a solid color body suit I wore with some really cool pants my mom made me. That was in the late 60s, early 70s. I also wore them with hip hugger pants with elephant bell bottom pants. OMG did I just reveal how old I am?

  5. so cute! yes i wore a bodysuit in middle school and sadly, here in UK they recently came back! The lace ones are the most popular but I wont be wearing any! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. I had a DKNY bodysuit I wore with a black Azzedeine Alaia skirt, black tights and black heels. To complete the look, I wore a bun, just like in that Robert Palmer video, Addicted To Love. I was maybe 17? Your baby outfit is just precious and I cut those snappy things off my 3 year olds Ramones shirt jut the other day!

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