how to spray paint an artificial christmas tree


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This is the perfect way to give an old fake tree a new look (how to spray paint an artificial christmas tree)!When we moved to Saipan in June, we brought six trunks of stuff with us. Things that made the bring-with-us cut? Clothes (not many, but I still wish I would’ve pared even more), Legos, a few of Piper’s dolls and purses, my sewing machine, a small bundle of fabric and a few party supplies. Nothing seasonal/Christmas-y made its way across the ocean with us.

our beach-y gold christmas tree- decorated with coral and shells (the gold is spray paint)We did inherit a fake tree, but are lacking in the décor department. Since all of my options for making Christmas ornaments are white and tan, I had my heart set on making the inherited-tree gold.

our beach-y gold christmas tree (spray painted gold and decorated with shells and coral)our beach-y, gold christmas treeAfter using fifteen cans of white spray paint to make the tree white-ish/gray (good thing white spray paint is cheap), we added a couple coats of metallic gold spray paint on top.

This is the perfect way to give an old fake tree a new look (how to spray paint an artificial christmas tree)!A few tips if you’re going to spray paint a tree-

-Spray from every angle for the the best coverage. Also, turn the tree parts upside down.

-Focus your efforts on the angles that you see the most (aka- cover the tops of the bottom branches, straight on for the middle of the tree, and looking up at the top portion).

-Tape off the lights if your tree is pre-lit. Better yet, use a tree that isn’t pre-lit and forego the taping and untaping.

-Use a white tree if you can (I couldn’t get ahold of one here, but it’d skip the whole white-spray-paint step and you’d have better results).

our beach-y gold christmas treeStrung up with coral and shells, and a drift wood star, it is the perfect Christmas tree for our island home. We are definitely not finished decorating, but it’s a start.
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beach-y gold Christmas treeCheers to an extra sparkly Christmas!

ps- You could leave the tree white, or use spray paint in any color! Piper would love a pink tree (ok, so would I)… so many possibilities!

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    1. I know this is reallly late afterward but how long until the tree didn’t smell like spray paint?

      1. Hey Lindsie- We kept our sliding glass doors open and lived in a windy spot so the smell went away pretty quickly (we also left it outside for a few days). Hope that helps!

  1. How did you eliminate the spray paint odor? I spray painted a tree but the smell is so awful. It over powers the room 🙁 Any tips on getting rid of the smell would be appreciated!!

    George 🙂

    1. Hey George- hmmmm, ours didn’t have an odor. I let it sit outside for days after I painted it- maybe that helped???

    1. Hey Pat, I don’t know… I used Krylon spray paint, and it worked great. Maybe you could try that in pink?

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