happy mother’s day (and the inside track on kirstin, according to burke)


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Happy Mother’s Day, friends (printable courtesy of the lovely ladies at 1825)!

I thought it might be fun to interview Burke for Mother’s Day- I spend more hours with Burke and Piper Jane than anyone else, so I thought he’d have some good “Kirstin inside track” for you. Here are his (funny!) answers-

Q- Burke, who is mama’s best friend?

A- (points to himself) ME!

Q- What does daddy do for his job?

A- Works on people’s teeth.

Q- What does mama do for her job?

A- Goes to the zoo. And makes lots of PB&Js for us. And goes to the museum.

Q- What do you want to be when you grow up?

A- A conductor. (Me- of music? Or of trains? Burke- Trains of course.)

Q- What should I be when I grow up?

A- A secret service agent. Or a ballerina.

Me- I think I’ve already missed the boat on both of those, buddy.

Burke- That’s ok. Maybe Piper Jane can try one of them.

Q- What’s your favorite thing about daddy?

A- Sometimes he lets me play on his iPhone. Or iPod. Or iPad.

Q- What’s your favorite things about mama?

A- When you give me tickle kisses- they really tickle, you know.

Q- What does your best day look like?

A- Hmmm…. like a day when I can choose whatever I want? Well, we’d wake up and eat Cheerios. Then we’d go to the zoo. For lunch we’d have PB&J. And then we’d play in the backyard- no naps! And for dinner we’d have Chicken Fil A (aka Chick Fil A).

Q- What does mama’s best day look like?

A- I already told you- Cheerios, zoo, PB&J. Weren’t you listening?

Have I mentioned lately that Burke sure does make me laugh? I DO have some big non-PB&J-related dreams for today- a nap and the Med Salad from Noodles & Co. We’ll see if either of those comes true.

If you have a chance to ask your Smoochies a couple of these questions today, I’d love to hear their responses! Happy Mother’s Day friends (whether you’re a mama or not)!

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  1. Happy Mother’s Day to you! What a funny post ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m gonna have to interview my kids for some laughs!

    1. Haha- thanks friend! Happy Mother’s Day to you too (and isn’t the printable by 1825 great? Love those girls!). ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks love! I might be linking that pic up for your little party tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Happy Mother’s Day, friend!

    1. Thanks Michaela! I DID get the Med Salad (but no nap- haha!). ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe today? ๐Ÿ™‚
      Where are you guys now? I would miss Noodles like crazy too if we ever left!

  2. Your babies are adorable!! I bet it is a joy and delight to spend all day with them.

    1. Thanks Cindi!
      And some days it is a joy and a delight for sure (and some days they wear this mama out!). ๐Ÿ™‚ But I wouldn’t trade my days with them for the world.

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