very, very good news!

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best news ever- we are adopting a baby girl!Y’all, I can’t even believe that I am typing these words, but WE ARE ADOPTING!

best news ever- we are adopting a baby girl!
best news ever- we are adopting a baby girl!We’ve been hoping to adopt for a long (long, long!) time. And we have been chosen by a birth mama to adopt her baby girl (due in June)!

best news ever- we are adopting a baby girl!I cannot even tell you the rejoicing (and picture painting, and dress making, and nursery readying) that is happening in the Gentry house right now!

best news ever- we are adopting a baby girl!The kids have been prayingย every dayย for God to bring us the right brother or sister since this time last year, andย “over the moon” doesn’t even really touch their excitement level.

best news ever- we are adopting a baby girl!As you probably imagine, this adoption journey is hard, and it is much more difficult to see the birth mom side up close than I’d guessed. We just adore her and this journey is difficultย and watching it be so hard is the worst. Adoption is truly such a roller coaster- hard and good mixed together in the craziest way.

best news ever- we are adopting a baby girl!Even with the crazy journey, and the hard parts, this news has made our year. We are beyond thrilled to be a family of five and cannot stop praising God for this extravagant blessing.

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  1. Congratualtions!!! I am so happy for you! (And I can pretend my tears are because of the baby that will soon join my own family but honestly, I would probably cry while reading this even if I wasn’t pregnant!)

    1. Thanks Dayna! We are a little out of practice for babies… but BEYOND excited to do that stage again! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Kirstin, I’m so so thrilled to hear not only that you’ve said yes to adoption, but that God has moved in such a mighty way. We had 3 placements fall through before finally taking placement of a precious baby boy here in Georgia just yesterday, 2 weeks after his birth. I’ll pray that you don’t have any hiccups from now until June when you get to bring her home. Where are you adopting from? Are you living in New Zealand now?!! I can’t imagine the complications in adoption living abroad! I can’t wait to hear more, friend. I’ll be praying!! Xoxo,
    Wendy V

    1. Thanks so much Wendy! Isn’t it a wild ride, adoption? And so sorry to hear about the ones that have fallen through- been there too and it is SO HARD. Like, who knew it’d be so hard? Your baby boy is blessed! CONGRATS!

      1. Also, just realized I didn’t answer the NZ question. No, not living there, we were just traveling through. We are still living on Saipan! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. This is such wonderful good news! We are excited for you! Blessings on your expanding family….

  4. So amazing. I cannot stop smiling because I know that adoption process of which you speak… And hard is such an understatement! But in the end, your family will be blessed, as will your little girl. I cannot wait to hear how this story unfolds! Xoxo

    1. Thanks Shivonne. SO hard, right? Like you never knew all the ways it could be so heartbreaking? UGH. And so much redemption as well! The craziest roller coaster we’ve ever ridden, for sure. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Your support and encouragement now, and in all of the places leading up to this, mean so much to me!

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