six months stateside

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moving back stateside updateI kind of can’t believe that we’ve been back stateside for six months. But we have!

People often ask how we are adjusting (or rather, readjusting?). And though I don’t ever quite know how to answer, I thought I’d make an attempt.

The short answer is that we are doing well. God has been so very gracious to us in the spot He’s given our family, in the community He’s planted us in, in the church and friends and neighbors He’s provided. As far as huge transitions go, we have had about the softest landing we could’ve hoped for.

Of course, being back within travel-ing distance of family has been the best (the very best!).

The kids (and I!) love their little public school (which is only a couple blocks from Schlitterbaan for those Texans among us- haha!). We love our neighborhood, and the fact that our house, and yard, are both constantly teeming with neighbor kiddos. In most ways, Burke and Pi are settling in and reacclimating like champs.

moving back stateside updateOne huge (unexpected) bonus to this move is that we pretty much love living in New Braunfels- the cutest town in Texas hill country. Exploring Austin and San Antonio (which are both super close, and both so fun) have been icing on the cake; we definitely lucked out in location!

moving back stateside updateAnd sweet Bohden is the darling-est, smiley-est, cuddly-est little bear in the world. He hates sleep (weasel!), but it doesn’t seem to affect his sweet demeanor during his waking hours even a smidge. He is absolutely adored- surely in the running for the title of “most kissed baby in the world.” The addition of him to our family, and the proliferation of coo’s and snuggles and baby belly laughs that he adds to our home, has been such grace to us these last few months.

I guess the part that is hardest to explain is that, even in this most-ideal-ever transition- one that has far exceeded our hopes for community, friendship, and fellowship- moving away from Saipan has still been SO HARD.

moving back stateside updateMost days, it’s a gentle hard- one where we miss the beach, or the excessive amounts of family time, or Thursday Takeout on the Beach, or constantly having a big trip on the docket, or hiking down to see the baby sharks at Bird Island, or cheap sushi, or ‘island time.’ Even though we’ve tried to limit the noise and the chaos, life here is just louder and crazier (even in its most streamlined, bare bones, guard-the-schedule form). And we miss the quiet something fierce.

moving back stateside updateSome days, of course, the dull ache of Saipan-sick becomes more poignant and more pronounced (facebook ‘on this days’ are killing me). There has been more than one ugly cry, and the thought, “Did we make a mistake coming back?” is never too far from the surface (especially since Bohden’s doctor appointments have been going so great- though, it’s hard to underestimate the relief it has been to have every kind of doctor he could possibly need on hand).

Also, reverse culture shock is its own beast. In Saipan, when I felt completely clueless culturally, that made sense to me. Because- not my culture. But here, when I don’t remember cultural nuances, it feels terrible- like I should know, and why don’t I? Burke said the other day, “I feel a little bit proud of our life, and also a little bit lonely because none of my friends here understand what the last few years were like.” And I feel the same way. Proud, and also lonely- like an outlier that doesn’t quite fit anywhere. Not in Saipan, but not here either.

moving back statesideSo there you have it- a much too long answer for a really simple question. Maybe I could’ve just said “Moving back has been great, and also so hard.” Haha. I’m hopeful that we continue to find our rhythm here and that the next few months are heavier on the ‘finally reacclimating!” and lighter on the heart ache-y and raw. 😉

ps- Any tips for readjusting to American culture after a stint abroad are much appreciated.

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  1. Thanks for the update post! I can’t say I know how you feel but thankful the transition has been smooth! I’m a beach girl at heart (too bad I live in the TX Panhandle) so I would miss those beaches something fierce. We have some friends who were missionaries in the Philippines for 5 years. When they left their 4 kids were 2-8 yrs old and then returned and now they are 7-13 yrs old so the Philippines were all they knew. All their friends were there. They have had some difficulties with the transition too. Just mostly said life was simpler and slower. Prayers and hugs to y’all!!! You picked a pretty place in Texas though!!

    1. Did I know that you’re in TX??? Did you know that Adam was born in Amarillo (and still has a deep affection for Taco Villa- haha!)? If you guys head this way this summer, email me for sure!
      And it makes my heart feel better that the coming-back-readjustment is hard for other people as well. Saipan and the Philippines actually have sort of similar cultures (both settled by the Spanish so long ago, and lots of the same things took root). I’m holding onto the idea that it’ll come, just slowly. 😉
      And man, as far as places to land, this one is not ugly (not the beach- hahaha! But pretty in a totally different way!).
      Thanks for the encouragement, friend!

  2. Oh my goodness!! So I used to follow you on this blog way back when….in these past few years I’ve slacked from reading y’alls blog. I come back and here you are in good ol TX. If you ever need anything I’m in Helotes (SA). I must catch up….you have a new baby?

    1. SO FUN that you’re so close! And YES, adopted a baby boy in Saipan. He is the actual cutest! Would love to get together sometime!

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