-ing, the jordi edition

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Found this on luvinthemommyhood last year and are back for round 2 (here’s Kirstin’s round 1 from last fall)!

Making : All sorts of doll accessories for my youngest that is OBSESSED with babies.
Cooking :
My favorite soup and willing it to be fall.
Drinking : Carmel Apple Spice! My favorite Starbucks drink is back! I did a fist pump the first time I ordered it this season and the barista looked at me like I was crazy.
Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers. I love the movies and have never read the books so I stole them from my dad and I have really been enjoying them.
Fall weather! 90’s in September is not acceptable.
through the 10,000 pictures I’ve taken since May and never edited or posted. The first trimester was kind of rough on my motivation.  (ok, not really 10,000…but a lot!)
PlayingCandy Land…lots and lots of Candy Land. Am I a horrible mom for hiding it sometimes?
Left over bread from our picnic party last weekend. Just realized the whole bag is molding. Sad/good thing about bakery bread is that there are no preservatives.
Nap mats for my the girls. Yes, school already started. I am just a procrastinator.
That Piper Jane lived closer so I could hold her more…It will be Christmas before I see her again and newborns change SO MUCH in a couple months.
Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Girls just went back to Kids Day Out. Hip-Hip Hooray for a little bit of time to get stuff done!
Waiting: For this weekend. We are doing a “stay-cation” and camping out in the backyard per request of a certain three year old. Complete with smores, sleeping bags, hot dogs, and tents!

Liking: The way my girls seem to have become friends overnight. They are playing together so much lately. I just stand outside their room and listen to them giggle…ok and fight, but still play together. 🙂
Wondering: If this baby is a boy or a girl (so far we’ve resisted the urge to know…but another ultrasound is coming up soon and I don’t think we can resist much longer…)

Hoping: It’s a girl. I know I already have two…boys freak me out. Kirst assures me a boy will be fun, though!
Marvelling: At how fast my house gets messy. Didn’t I just clean yesterday?!

Needing: A date night with my husband. We still haven’t celebrated our anniversary that happened weeks ago.
My Vanilla Pumpkin Yankee candle. Even if it is 90 degrees outside, I can pretend it’s fall in my house.
t-shirt and athletic shorts. I’m at the awkward stage in pregnancy where nothing fits quite right.
Brittany’s blog. I am so inspired by her photography.
The baby kicking! It really picked up this week. The hubs felt it for the first time yesterday. We both got teary eyed. Even with number three, it’s still miraculous.
The next year of my life is going to be insane. “Good” insane, but just bracing for it.  New baby and a big move both coming soon.
Thinking: About all the things I need to get done
for our “stay-cation” this weekend.
Bookmarking: This set of 365 pictures. Another inspiring photographer friend.
Opening: Yet another new cartridge of ink. Working on invites for a fall wedding and it seems like I’m blazing through the ink!
Giggling: At my three year old’s imaginary friend, Sunny. One day I’ll write a bio on him, he’s quite the character!
Feeling: Grateful for our friends and family after Sayla’s second birthday (pictured above). We have so many people in our lives that truly love our kids. It’s such a great blessing!

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  1. hey there! I love ya'lls -ings… Did I miss Piper Jane's and your baby's bedding? I'm looking for baby bedding and need some ideas I love the vintage alphabet bedding but, did want to see the two sisters thoughts…Can't wait hope ya'll share 🙂
    Ruthie (San Antonio TX)

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