of to do lists and bandwagons

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Pinterest is not new news… I know this, y’all. However, I have to tell you all, I am smitten! It’s like one, big, organized To Do List! With pictures!

I have been pinning my To Make list for Burke’s birthday party and parties beyond, a buffet of someday-DIY projects, a sampling of clothing I’d like to make for the bambinos, and someday decor ideas as well. Guys, it’s my new favorite thing.

Do you pin? Does it make you happy too?

ps- If you’re on their waiting list and want an invite- email us (if you leave a comment but no email, we can’t send an invite)… same thing happened to us until Annalea saved us.

***EDITED TO ADD- I think we maxed out our invite capability- it’s not letting us send anymore! Does anyone have extra invites that they can send to Lee Ann, Dora and kjsonntag (their emails are in the comments)?

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  1. I am pinning for a while and loving it but have kept it at a minimum for now as it is so very addicting! But we are having an addition built so I am always looking for decor ideas for small places and kitchens. Our home is little… 1250 square feet, soon to be 1650 but we have low ceilings in most of the house (7.5 vs the standard 8 feet but sloped ceilings in kitchen/dining/living room which make it feel taller.) All that to say we kinda have a cottage vibe going due to ceilings…. And that I love Pinterest because I can find great ideas!

  2. I haven't tried it, but I've seen people clicking over to some of my posts from it. I'd love an invite. Thanks!

  3. Hi there, I am a pinaholic! there I said it, but there is no cure for me…I just love it and I have 100 boards. It's the best place to create mood boards and a place to stash your to do list!
    Check out my boards http://pinterest.com/sazzledoodle/
    Enjoy it….Sara ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. I totally love Pinterest — will go look for you now. I'm planning my wedding and can't imagine doing it without pinning all the amazing ideas/inspiration!

  5. I am sooo addicted! I posted about it on FB a while back, about my addiction, and someone was kind enough to e-mail me the invite. I am in looooooooooooove

  6. It's so funny you mention this today, because I just discovered this TODAY! How on earth have I never found this!

  7. I am on pinterest already … but have not started pinning yet. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I can see what you mean though. With all the bookmarks that I have … I think an organized picture "book" would be good! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I just gotta make some time to figure out how it all works and organize my account! ARGH
    I think for me it definitely has addiction-potential … *lol*

  8. I am a bookmark hoarder and pinterest allows me to see the pictures of what i have saved. I love it ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. I have never even heard of it, I must be old. It looks interesting although I really don't quite understand what to do with it. I will have to spend some time and see.

  10. If anyone has an extra invite, I would love one too! frugalbookworm(at)gmail(dot)com Please, please, pretty please!

  11. I want to start pinning! Please invite me ๐Ÿ™‚ kjadef(at)gmail(d0t)com I love your post on this. I have been hesitant on pinterest but I think I'm sold!

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