making the cut

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so-big Piper, hanging out with her “Bubba” at the Museum of Nature and Science

Every once in a while, Piper Jane does something that makes me realize, “We’re leaving one era and entering a new one.” Like crawling. Or standing. Or talking. Or sleeping through the night (oh, right, that one isn’t happening consistently yet, but a girl can dream, right?). It’s like she visibly shows us the end of each stage- no more newborn, no more infant, done.

Sometimes I can see that in our life, too. We’re just rolling along, taking things one day at a time, minding our own business. And then I look at our life and realize an era has ended and a new one has begun.

9+ months pregnant with Burke… actually, I went into labor a few hours after these pics were taken

When Jordi and I started the kojo blog, I was teaching third grade, pregnant with Burke, Adam was still working as a financial advisor, I had three fewer nieces and one fewer nephew (and Piper Jane wasn’t even a thought), mom and dad didn’t live in Denver yet, my little brother wasn’t married yet (and thus my lovely sister-in-law hadn’t joined our fam yet)… Wild.

Oh, and I didn’t have any concept of the wide world of ‘craft blogs’ or the sheer brilliance of finding tutorials in order to make things. I also didn’t even own a sewing machine. Hahahahaha! That’s funny to me.

When I had a little more flex in my schedule, I think the idea of making something (almost anything!) myself enthralled me. However, as that era of more time has gone and the one with two babies underfoot has begun, I find myself needing to re-evaluate what I can create.

Has that ever happened to you?

This is my rough-draft list of Things To Still Make:

-home decor
-knock offs
-dresses for Piper Jane
-party decor
-baby and bridal shower gifts
-birthday gifts for my family

And my list of Things That Didn’t Make the Cut:

-shirts for Burke (the kid wears polo shirts from babyGap almost every day… and I can find those on sale for $5. It isn’t worth my time to slave over something [and shirts take EFFORT for me and my meager sewing skills] when someone else is doing it better, cheaper)
-everyday clothes for Piper Jane (same thing… have you seen Target’s 75% off rack?)
-things that kill me time-wise

How about you? What things fit on your To Still Make and Didn’t Make the Cut lists?

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  1. I was right there with you on making "everyday clothes," until my youngest ended up with a severe allergy to latex. Including elastic, spandex, etc. And how many little girl clothes–especially pants–have no elastic or spandex? So now we're starting the journey of making everyday clothes. Life is busy! =)

  2. That is nine months pregnant??? Oh, so not fair! I looked like a house, all 4 times! That is what I looked like at 6 months!

  3. It could be that I just haven't accepted reality yet, but I haven't ruled anything out yet! ๐Ÿ™‚ I love making clothes for my kids (JP 2 1/2 and Helen is 10 months today!). The skirt I made for myself this weekend became and outfit for Helen ๐Ÿ™‚ . Somehow I jacked that up royally…& it was supposed to be super simple. Too much fabric, maybe? ๐Ÿ™‚ I'll never know. My children were inspiration for me to start sewing too. I truly enjoy it. It's relaxing. It takes me an eternity, still, to finish something. All projects usually start at naptime and end somewhere in the middle of the night 4 days later. ๐Ÿ™‚ it's hard to find time to complete anything around here, especially laundry and dishes! oh well. that's my life and i love it!

  4. I agree1 some things are worth the effort and some things aren't. I would rather read to my kid than sew them a new shirt. I think they'll value the reading more. Anyways, thanks once again for featuring me. I have a bunch of featured me links to put up in time and you will be one!

  5. Oh boy, where do I start the list? I have a 3 year old and 8 month old twins. Just getting the house half-way presentable and everyone fed and bathed leaves me with not a lot of time for much of anything. Just to keep my list short, I'll just say that if I can get my hair doing something other than a pony tail I feel like actually got something accomplished. I'm trying to re-evaluate to see where I can squeeze in a little bit of time to create.~~Trish

  6. I loved this post. There are definitely phases of life when you have more time and others when you don't seem to have enough. I've been in your shoes and you are so wise to prioritize and give your time to important things. Trust me when I say there will come a time when you'll have enough time for any project you desire to accomplish! Both are fabulous seasons of life!

  7. gwah! the lists go on and on for me! i have so much that i want to do and buy stuff for and then it just sits there, staring at me ready to get made, while i am spying my next project! dang blogland! there are so many brilliant ideas out there!

    what i would love to tackle is that quilt of yours in a mustard yellow color, but i don't know if i can hack it!

  8. I hear you! Every now and then I make lists of my hobbies and decide if I want to continue them (made me realize I'd rather bake than spend hours making fancy gourmet dinners… I'm happy to get something healthy and fast onto the table!)… I don't cross stitch any more either.

  9. There are two things that I refuse to sew. #1 – those zip up jammies for the kids. The ones with the feet. It takes forever to sew those things up and there is no way I can make them for $10 a piece. #2 Jeans – they are complicated and fussy. I'd rather just buy them on sale.

    I also evaluate what kind of time I have and how much time it's going to take to make the kids whatever they are growing out of. If it takes me away from my family for too long, then I just hit the sales ๐Ÿ˜€

  10. This was such a thought provoking post that really strikes a common chord with me. I want to do and try so much it makes my head hurt. I know I just don't have time and shouldn't try to push it too hard; because when I do, my satisfaction level at how I'm doing as a mother drops dramatically.

    Thanks for the reminder to edit my to do list and focus on doing the things that will really make me happy!

    And…you are really one of the cutest pregnant women ever. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Yup, I agree with Sarah, you look amazing for 9 months pregnant. I am that big already at 6 months pregnant now, but my twins kinda stretched me out the first time. ๐Ÿ™ I was looking "ready to pop" at 6 months with the twins.

    I have a ton of dress tutorials I want to try out before my girl gets here. Bucket hats for my twin boys, pillows for the living room, an apron for me, and a faux chenille blanket for my baby girl. I need to start a sewing bucket list… too many projects and just not enough time.

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